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Current news - Blacklisted for illegal acts in the IP field
Time: 2022-03-24
Trademark practice - Overcome trademark refusals with the support of MM6 when designating Madrid application to China

Allen Zhou | Mar 23, 2022


According to a recent notification from CNIPA, several more entities were included in the list of serious illegal and dishonest acts in the IP field.

So far, 14 entities were blacklisted for the grounds of trademark infringement, etc. since the implementation of China's Measures for the Administration of List of Serious Illegal and Dishonest Acts in September 2021.

The "Measures" make it clear that any persons or entities involved in "intentional infringement of intellectual property rights; submission of abnormal patent applications and malicious trademark registration applications to damage social and public interests; engaging in serious illegal patent and trademark agency acts" will be included in the list. According to the “Measures”, the blacklisted entities will be held as key supervision objects and any honorary titles will be canceled, etc.

As can be seen above, to perform any IP activities, the better option is to find your loyal IP representatives.

Should you have any questions, feel free to drop your messages or send emails.


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